Thursday, February 24, 2011

spreading a little kindness...

My son Ian, a fifth grade student, is conducting a fund drive to benefit our local Animal Protectors. He is working closely with his principal and one of the members of the board from Animal Protectors. He was inspired to do this after his pet dog Harley and cat Tony died this school year. He was saddened that there are animals who aren't as fortunate as his pets were, and he asked if he could do something to help those animals.

Ian, my husband Jim, and I wrote a letter which Ian's principal approved and sent home with every student last week informing the parents about the fund drive. Each teacher has a box for their homeroom, and students are being encouraged to participate in the fund drive by bringing in an item or items from the Animal Protector's wish list (included on the letter). Students will have two weeks to bring in items and put them in their teacher's box. At the conclusion of the drive (two weeks), items will be collected and counted, and the homeroom who donated the most items will win a pizza party, supplied by my family.

Once all items have been collected, my husband and I will take Ian to Animal Protectors to deliver them.

This fund drive means a great deal to my little boy, and I have to admit that I am awful proud of him for being such a kind child.

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